New book: Advancing the human right to health

July 18, 2013


Edited by Jose Zuniga, Stephen Marks and Lawrence Gostin, the new book ‘Advancing the Human Right to Health’ features writings by experts on health and human rights. According to the publisher, the book brings clarity to many of the complex clinical, ethical, economic, legal, and socio-cultural questions raised by injury, disease, and deeper determinants of health, such as poverty.

“Much more than a primer on the right to health, this book features an examination of profound inequalities in health, which have resulted in millions of people condemned to unnecessary suffering and hastened deaths. In so doing, it provides a thoughtful account of the right to health’s parameters, strategies on ways in which to achieve it, and discussion of why it is so essential in a 21st century context.”

After a number of general articles about the right to health, twelve country-specific case studies provide context for analysing the right to health and assessing whether, and to what extent, this right has influenced critical decision-making. The countries covered in this book are: Haiti, Ghana, India, South Africa, the Philippines, China, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Japan and the USA.

Thematic chapters also look at the specific challenges involved in translating the right to health into action. These include issues such as HIV, tuberculosis and malaria; global tobacco control; women’s health; and combating torture and other ill-treatment.

Table of contents



Section 1 The Right to Health in Perspective

1: Stephen P. Marks: The Emergence and Scope of the Human Right to Health
2: Oscar A. Cabrera and Ana S. Ayala: Advancing the Right to Health through Litigation
3: Helena Nygren-Krug: The Right to Health: From Concept to Practice
4: Ariel Pablos-Mendéz and Lesley Stone: Health Development as Nation-Strengthening
5: Eric A. Friedman and Lawrence O. Gostin: Pillars for Progress on the Right to Health

Section 2 The Right to Health in Action

6: Donna Barry, Kate Greene, Wesler Lambert, Fernet Léandre, and Loune Viaud: Haiti: An Overview of its Right to Health History and Future Directions
7: Raymond A. Atuguba: The Right to Health in Ghana: Healthcare, Human Rights, and Politics
8: Ravi Duggal: Health and Development in India: Moving towards the Right to Health
9: Charles Ngwena, Rebecca Cook, and Ebenezer Durojaye: The Right to Health in Post-Apartheid Era South Africa
10: Raul Pangalangan: The Domestic Implementation of the International Right to Health: The Philippine Experience
11: Philip D. Chen and Di Wu: China’s Evolution in Progressively Realizing the Right to Health
12: Armando De Negri Filho: Brazil: A Long Journey towards a Universal Healthcare System
13: Ariel Frisancho: The Right to Health in Peru
14: Julio Frenk and Octavio Gómez-Dantés: Realizing the Right to Healthcare in Mexico
15: Matthew Weait: The United Kingdom: The Right to Health in the Context of a Nationalised Health Service
16: Hiroaki Matsuura and Eriko Sase: The Right to Health in Japan: Challenges of a Super-Aging Society and Implications from its 2011 Public Health Emergency
17: Alicia Ely Yamin and Jean Connolly Carmalt: United States: Right to Health Obligations in the Context of Disparity and Reform

Section 3 The Right to Health: Challenges and Opportunities

18: Britta Baer, Andrew Ball, Helena Nygren-Krug, Aafje Rietveld, and Diana Weil: Human Rights-Based Approaches to HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
19: Oscar A. Cabrera and Lawrence O. Gostin: Global Tobacco Control: A Vital Component of the Right to Health
20: Alicia Ely Yamin: Women’s Health and Human Rights: Struggles to Engender Social Transformation
21: Joanne Mariner and Rebecca Schleifer: The Right to Health in Prison
22: Stephen P. Marks and Adriana Benedict: Access to Medical Products, Vaccines, and Medical Technologies
23: Martin W. Bloem and Saskia de Pee: Nutrition and Human Rights: Why Meeting Nutrient Needs Should be a Human Right
24: José M. Zuniga and Imane Sidibé: Primum Non Nocere and the Right to Health
25: Michael Bochenek: Combating Torture and Other Ill-Treatment
26: Victoria Sutton: Emergencies, Disasters, Conflicts, and Human Rights
27: Lisa Eckstein: Searching for a Role for Genomics in the Right to Health
28: Joia Mukherjee: Financing Governments: Towards Achieving the Right to Health

Section 4 Conclusion

29: Anand Grover, Brian Citro, and Mihir Mankad: The Consequences of Failure

More information (website Oxford University Press)