June 18, 2015
The Health inequality monitoring eLearning module released by the World Health Organization is an overview of health inequality monitoring, aiming to build theoretical and technical capacity for health inequality monitoring across diverse settings and health topics.
The Health inequality monitoring eLearning module released by the World Health Organization is an overview of health inequality monitoring, aiming to build theoretical and technical capacity for health inequality monitoring across diverse settings and health topics.
The module introduces and explores the five general steps of health inequality monitoring: 1) selecting health indicators and equity stratifiers, 2) obtaining data, 3) analysing data, 4) reporting results and 5) implementing changes. A comprehensive applied example of health inequality monitoring in the Philippines demonstrates how the concepts can be applied in the context of low- and middle-income countries.
This module is presented in eight chapters, which are each followed by a number of quiz questions and an application exercise. In each chapter, additional information and examples are available to facilitate a more-thorough understanding of the material. The entire module takes approximately four hours to complete, and is not timed.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Health indicators and equity stratifiers
Chapter 3: Data sources
Chapter 4: Simple measures
Chapter 5: Complex measures
Chapter 6: Reporting inequalities I
Chapter 7: Reporting inequalities II
Chapter 8: Cumulative example
Note: This eLearning module is available in a standard format (with audio), suitable for users with access to broadband internet, as well as in a no-audio, low-bandwidth format.
Related resource: Handbook on health inequality monitoring: with a special focus on low- and middle-income countries