May 31, 2012
IFHHRO received the sad news that Peter Kandela died on 30 April. He was one of the founders of Physicians for Human Rights UK and in that capacity played an important role in the foundation of IFHHRO.
Kandela was an Iraq-born London-based GP, who was was not only a good doctor and medical writer, but also a human rights activist. As chairman of PHR-UK he was the inspiration and organiser of fact-finding missions in Kashmir, Kuwait, Egypt, South Africa and Rwanda. He organised conferences on prison health and disappearances, and wrote articles.
PHR-UK (now called Doctors for Human Rights) was one of the founding organisations of IFHHRO, and Peter Kandela represented his organisation at the first conferences of IFHHRO in Lage Vuursche, the Netherlands. He was an enthusiastic supporter of international cooperation and instrumental in shaping IFHHRO.
IFHHRO remembers Peter Kandela with gratitude for all he did in the field of health and human rights.
Adriaan van Es, secretary IFHHRO